
郎咸平,1956年6月21日生于台湾桃园县,祖籍山东潍坊,中国台湾学者、经济学家,公司治理和金融专家 。1974-1978年就读于台湾东海大学经济系 。1986年,他在美国宾西法尼亚大学沃顿商学院以创世界纪录的两年半时间连拿金融学硕士和博士学位 。2001年起开始重点研究中国大型国有企业的产权改革问题 。


Lang Ping, December 10, 1960 was born in Tianjin, China, Manchu, former Chinese women's volleyball player, the current Chinese women's volleyball coach.
【郎平个人资料,郎平英语介绍?】In April 1973, Lang Ping entered the Beijing Workers' Gymnasium Junior Sports School volleyball classes to practice volleyball. In 1976, Lang Ping entered the Beijing amateur sports school, the same year selected Beijing volleyball team. In 1978, Lang Ping selected national team. In 1981, Lang Ping won the 3rd World Cup with Chinese women's volleyball team, won the "Excellent Athlete Award".