
1. 草莓英语:Strawberry (Strawberries)发音:Stra-ou-be-rey2. 葡萄英语:Grape (Grapes)发音:Gera-pu3. 水果英语:Fruit (Fruits)发音:Fu-rut4. 风筝英语:Kite (Kites)发音:Ke-ite5. 美丽英语:Beautiful发音:Be-yu-ti-ful


桃子的英语为peach,读音:英 [pi:t?]美 [pit?]。释义如下:
n.桃子;桃红色;极好的人(或物) 。
adj.桃红色的;粉红色的 。
Frank was there and he is a perfect peach.
弗兰克在那儿,他是个非常可爱的人 。
The spring comes and peach blossoms [ flowers] are all open.
【fruit怎么读,桃子英语怎么读?】春天了,桃花都开了 。
Rain begins to fall and peach trees blossom.
开始下雨了,桃树也开花了 。
There are a few apple trees scattered among these peach trees.
这片桃树中杂有几棵苹果树 。
The peach tree is wormy.
桃树长虫了 。
The following summer the peach tree was laden with fruit
第二年夏天桃树就结满了桃子 。
The peach trees are in full bloom.; The peach blossoms are out.
桃花盛开 。
The peach trees are not going to bear well this year.
今年桃树结果不会多 。
The peach trees promise a rich crop this year.
今年桃子丰收在望 。
She had tied back her hair with a peach satin ribbon.
她用一根桃色缎带把头发扎在脑后 。