cotton是什么意思中文 cotton是什么意思

cotton是英文单词 , 名词、动词、形容词 , 作名词时译为“棉絮;棉布;棉绳” , 作动词时译为“一致;了解;和谐;亲近” , 作形容词时译为“棉的;棉制的” 。
音标:[ 'k?tn ]
【cotton是什么意思中文 cotton是什么意思】过去时:cottoned过去分词:cottoned现在分词:cottoning
n.科顿〔姓式〕 。
n.【植物;植物学】草棉;棉 , 棉絮;棉绳;棉布 , 棉织物;〔美口〕脱脂棉 。upland [sea-island] cotton陆地[岛屿]棉 。tree cotton木棉 。ginned cotton皮棉 。unginned cotton籽棉 。raw cotton原棉 。dead cotton废棉 。
一致 , 赞成 (with) 贴近 , 亲近 (to with) (对提议等)抱好感 , 欢迎 。cotton to 发生好感 , 喜爱起…来 。cotton on to 〔俚语〕明白 , 掌握 。cotton up 〔口语〕贴近 , 亲近 (to) 。
娇养 , 娇宠 。
fabric woven from cotton fibers
thread made of cotton fibers
erect bushy mallow plant or small tree bearing bolls containing seeds with many long hairy fibers
近义词:cotton plant,
soft silky fibers from cotton plants in their raw state
近义词:cotton fiber, cotton wool,
take a liking to; "cotton to something"

cotton是什么意思中文 cotton是什么意思

1.They chopped the cotton and hoed the corn .
他们间棉花苗 , 锄玉米地 。
2.Leather gloves are stronger than cotton gloves .
皮手套比棉手套牢固 。
3.Cotton consumption has continued to rise .
棉花的消费一直在继续增长 。
4.Water will easily permeate a cotton dress .
水很容易渗入棉布衣服 。
5.Now he can't unload any of his cotton .
如今 , 他一斤棉花也无法脱手啊 。
6.A hank of cotton yarn measures 840 yards .
一汉克的棉纱将近840码 。
7.When he returned he was stuffed with cotton .
他回来的时候,身上塞满了 。
8.There are angels in printed cotton smocks .
有很多衣着印花布罩衣的天使 。
9.You should n't wrap your children in cotton wool .
你不该对小孩娇惯 。
10.The innermost region of cotton is called lumen .
棉纤维最里层组织叫中腔 。